Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Dental Bridges: Crown-Supported or Implant-Supported?

Jul 29, 2014 @ 09:06 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Dental Bridges Missing Teeth Dental Implants Dental Crowns Restorative Dentistry

The team at Brooklyn Heights Dental® knows that missing teeth can be a major problem. That's why we're well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of patients. One great option for dealing with a few missing teeth in a row is a dental bridge. Dental bridges restore the appearance of a smile as well as a patient's ability to bite and chew, but there's more to bridges than that. Let's explore the matter in more detail.

About Dental Bridges

It's first a good idea to go over some basics about dental bridges.

Dental bridges are appliances that are designed to bridge the gap that is left behind when a person is missing a tooth or multiple teeth. A traditional dental bridge is held in place by bracing around the teeth that are on either side of the tooth gap. By doing this, the appearance of the smile and its overall function are improved.

The two kinds of dental bridges we're about to focus on are supported by other structures and become fixed in place.

Implant Dentistry and Dental Bridges

Implant dentistry refers to the surgical placement of artificial tooth roots. These artificial tooth roots are embedded right into the jawbone and gum tissue of a patient's mouth. A months-long healing process is necessary after the oral surgery to ensure that osseointegration takes place. In simple terms, this means the fusion of the dental implants with the gums and the bone structure of the mouth.

The dental implants are able to support a dental bridge and can even support a full denture for major tooth loss or an individual dental crown if a patient is just missing one tooth.

Benefits of Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

Dental implants provide a great level of stability and security, with a hold that is comparable to natural tooth roots. This means that patients can bite, chew, and speak with absolute confidence and without any fear that the dental bridge will slide out of place.

In addition, the dental implants prevent bone loss and gum recession from occurring, both of which are common problems when people are missing teeth.

Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges

Dental crowns are caps that are carefully fitted to cover a tooth. In most cases, they are used as a dental restoration if a patient has teeth that are severely damaged or decayed. When supporting a dental bridge, they are used on the opposite ends of the appliance to anchor the bridge between two natural teeth.

Benefits of Crown-Supported Dental Bridges

Crown-supported dental bridges take far less time to fabricate and to place, offering an advantage over the much longer process of getting implant-supported bridges. The hold of the crown-supported dental bridges is quite secure, and the overall aesthetics of the patient's smile are good as well.

Other Options for Addressing Tooth Loss

Sometimes the use of dental implants or crowns to support a dental bridge is not an ideal option. In such cases, a removable bridge or the use of a partial or full denture may be more ideal. It's important that patients come into the practice for a consultation so that all of these options can be discussed in further detail.

Discuss Your Option for Dental Bridges

If you are missing teeth and would like more information about your ideal options for treatment, it's important that you contact our dental care center today. Dr. Eugene D. Stanislaus and Dr. E. Lisa Reid will be able to answer all of your questions and address your concerns in full detail, allowing you to undergo the best possible treatment for your situation.