Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Nov 12, 2013 @ 01:01 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Root Canal Restorative Dentistry

When tooth decay is left untreated, it can spread to the sensitive roots of your teeth, resulting in an increasingly painful and risky problem. Without restorative dentistry care, the decay can spread to other teeth or result in tooth loss. To combat advanced decay and help our Brooklyn patients preserve their teeth, we offer extremely effective and safe root canal therapy.

What Can Root Canal Therapy Do?

Root canal therapy (also called root canal treatment or, simply, root canal) is the established method of removing decay from within a tooth’s roots. Normally, cavities form and are treated in the upper, visible portion of a tooth, called the crown. However, when decay spreads down to the roots, the tooth is at a greater risk of decaying entirely or infecting adjacent teeth.

Similar to a typical cavity filling, root canal treatment removes any infected tissue and replaces it with synthetic material to restore the tooth. After a root canal, there should be no signs or symptoms of infection. 

Symptoms of Decaying Roots

Many cavities go unnoticed initially, which is why dentists recommend occasional X-rays for early detection. When signs of decay do present themselves, patients often complain of a mild toothache or sensitivity. These symptoms are also present in infected roots, but in a more prevalent way. You may require root canal treatment if a tooth exhibits the following:

The Root Canal Procedure

If you believe you may have root canal damage, or any tooth decay for that matter, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible. After determining that root canal therapy is necessary, you will be scheduled for treatment, as follows:

Preserve the Health of Your Teeth

No matter the severity of your decay, our cosmetic dentistry practice can offer proper treatment to restore the health and beauty of your teeth. Whether you need a traditional filling, root canal therapy, or alternative restorative treatment, contact us to schedule an appointment and see what we can do for your smile!