Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Options for Missing Teeth

Dec 6, 2011 @ 12:56 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Missing Teeth Dental Implants Dental Bridges Dentures

If you are missing one tooth or many teeth, you’ll be glad to know that there are plenty of options available for effective dental treatment. It’s important that you get the matter dealt with as soon as possible as well. There are many dangers related to tooth loss. The team here at our Brooklyn cosmetic dentistry center would like to address these matters briefly so you understand what to expect.

Causes of Tooth Loss

There are many different causes of tooth loss to consider. One cause is injury accidents. Major trauma to the mouth can dislodge or severely damage a tooth. Ideally we’d want to save the natural tooth if possible, but sometimes the only option is to remove the tooth.

Severe tooth decay and gum disease is another possible cause of tooth loss. Again, we ideally want to save the natural tooth is we can, but that is not always a possibility. Sometimes the only option is to extract the decay tooth or loose tooth and opt for tooth replacement. When you come to our cosmetic and family dentistry center in Brooklyn, we will help you make the best decision for your dental health.

Dangers of Tooth Loss

There’s the obvious aesthetic issue to deal with, of course, but that is not a serious dental issue by any means. Rather, there are many more serious dental health factors to take into account.

For one, your bite strength and ability to chew may be severely impaired, altering your diet. If you’re missing a tooth or multiple teeth, gum recession and loss of bone density in the jaw is common for the area of the tooth gap. Your remaining teeth may also slide out of place gradually as a result of missing tooth structure. Thankfully there are many dental restoration options available.

Dental Bridges

For people missing a single tooth or a few teeth, dental bridges are generally a good option. Dental bridges span the gap between teeth and hook into place by bracing around existing teeth. The hold is generally strong, all things considered.


When you are missing too many teeth to support a dental bridge, dentures are a good option to consider. Dentures are held in place using the existing bone and gum tissue structure of the mouth. The hold is somewhat secure and can be enhanced using denture creams.

Dental Implants (Implant Dentistry)

The best hold for dental restorations is provided by Brooklyn dental implants. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone and gum tissue. Once in place, the dental implants can support a dental crown or dental crowns, a dental bridge, or a set of dentures.

Learn More About Your Treatment Options for Missing Teeth

For more information about your many dental restorations options, we encourage you to visit our dental care center serving Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, and Park Slope. During your visit, we will be able to discuss all dental health and dental care matters with you in more detail.