Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

Great Oral Hygiene Tips

Oct 6, 2011 @ 11:00 PM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Dental Hygiene Brushing Flossing Dental Care

If you want to have great dental health, it’s important that you practice good dental hygiene. That means doing certain things and knowing what not to do. That might sound tricky, but a lot of it is actually common sense. Because we cane about the health of all our patients, we’d like to share some good old fashioned oral hygiene tips with you right now.

Get Back to Basics - Brush Your Teeth Regularly

You don’t need a Brooklyn cosmetic dentist to tell you this: it’s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal to avoid tooth decay. This alone is a great idea for having a clean fresh mouth.

Now as for the toothbrush you use, it’s important that you pick one with sift bristles. Bristles that are too hard might bee to abrasive and can irritate your gums. Make sure the head of the toothbrush is generally small so it can reach all the nooks and crannies of your mouth.

Clean Your Teeth Thoroughly - Floss Every Night

Brushing your teeth is not enough to keep your mouth its cleanest. Be sure to floss every night as well as brushing your teeth. Flossing will remove that pesky plaque build up between your teeth and remove any particles of food that may be caught there as well.

Know What Foods to Avoid - Preventing Tooth Discoloration

If you don’t watch what you eat, you may eventually need to undergo teeth whitening treatment to deal with yellowing and stains. The thing is, you can prevent some of these problems if you go easy on substances that cause stains.

Some foods and beverages that cause tooth stains include:

And of course, tobacco products will also stain your teeth with use, which is yet another compelling reason to quit.

Chew Carefully and Wear Protective Gear - Avoid Accidents and Damage

Accidents can happen wherever you go, so be sure to use caution to help prevent injuries to your teeth. When chewing food, chew slowly and carefully to avoid chomping down on bones, seeds, kernels, or other hard substances. And when playing contact sports, be sure to wear the proper mouth guards and headgear. Doing so will save you from needing Brooklyn porcelain veneers or other treatments to restore chips and cracks.

Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year for a Check Up

And of course, it’s important that you visit our practice twice a year for a regular check up. Doing so will allow us to scan for cavities, address gum issues, clean your teeth thoroughly, and run diagnostics to ensure your lasting dental health. We can also see if advanced treatments such as Invisalign® would be ideal for you and your needs.

Contact Our Dental Care Center for More Information

To learn more about how to improve your dental care habits and what treatments are available for winning smiles, contact our Brooklyn cosmetic and family dentistry center today.