Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C.

The Advantages of Implant Dentistry

Nov 8, 2010 @ 01:58 AM — by Eugene D. Stanislaus
Tagged with: Implant Dentistry Dental Implants Implant Dentist Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Crown

Many people believe that the problems caused by missing teeth are primarily aesthetic; however, one’s overall oral health suffers just as much, if not more. When the structures that once supported healthy teeth are no longer of practical use, they begin to deteriorate, eventually eroding away. Likewise, the teeth adjacent to gaps begin to shift out of their optimal position toward the open spaces once occupied by neighboring teeth. As the jawbone, gums, and other tissues of the mouth degrade, facial features can droop and distort, meaning that more than a person’s smile will be adversely affected.

Fortunately, at Brooklyn Heights Dental, Dr. Eugene Stanislaus offers world-class dental implants as a durable, long-term solution to missing teeth. Through implant dentistry at our Brooklyn practice, serving Fort Greene and all of New York City, patients can avoid serious oral health issues while restoring full beauty and function to their mouths. Dental implants are titanium posts that are rooted in the jawbone. Because the body does not recognize titanium as a foreign substance, the posts integrate with the jaw and acts as a replacement tooth root; the body, in turn, signals to the jaw that it is once again performing its intended function, halting erosion. Once the titanium root or roots have healed into place, Dr. Stanislaus attaches a natural-looking dental crown, dental bridge, or even full set of dentures to complete the smile.

No treatment in all of dentistry combines the aesthetic advantages of cosmetic dentistry with the oral health benefits of restorative dentistry quite like dental implants. Implant dentistry patients emerge from treatment with a renewed ability to chew, speak, and smile with an assurance that traditional removable restorations simply don’t provide. For patients who are missing just one or two of their natural teeth, dental implants may be combined with other options, such as porcelain veneers and Zoom!® teeth whitening, as part of a comprehensive smile makeover plan.

If you are missing one or more of your natural teeth, Dr. Eugene Stanislaus would be pleased to speak with you further about the advantages of implant dentistry. To arrange a consultation with our implant dentist in Brooklyn Heights, serving Fort Greene and all of New York City, please contact Brooklyn Heights Dental today.